Many of you have asked... her she is, in her glory! Don't know that I get the cheer leading thing, but, I was the tom-boy kinda gal! My thing was matchbox cars, football cards, Lincoln logs, Lego's and a baby alive doll. Rick and I have told the kids that they can try activities so when Mb said she wanted to Cheer, I swallowed hard and said that we would look into it. Then the flyer came home with the school papers and the PLeeeaaase Mom, started. The rest, as they say is history.
So, like anything else, we have been committed to "practicing" cheer leading for the LJB Flag Football and Cheerleading.
A W E... S O M E awesome, awesome...totally!
"Mix 'em up, Spin 'em around, Come on Livonia, Mow 'em down!"
Who has joined in at this point? As Auntie Sarah reminded me, the NHHS Varsity Swim Team would do our "cheer" ritual before our home meets... "Hefty, Hefty, Hefty" "Wimpy, Wimpy Wimpy!"
Hey, I was a serious tomboy- baseball, basketball, swimming- but also a cheerleader. It's good exercise, lousy on the vocal chords, but teaches team building, and let's face it- the outfits are just darned fun.
Good for you for letting her try everything. Never know where it will lead. I let Hannah take a music class at age 3- she begged me- and voila, she's a music teacher, performs in musical theatre and loves to sing. Abigail took an art class- the same. Naomi is a serious dancer. Ethan took a kids' acting class. Just let them test those talents and trust God for the rest. Although...I personally would steer clear of football and kickboxing, but that's just me.
Cute photos Jess.
Aunt Sarah, Livonia, MI
Go bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!
Oh yeah. I was so totally a cheerleader. With big hair.
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