Monday, November 17, 2008

General Happenings

As I have been bitten by the guilt bug for slacking when it comes to posting on the blog, I thought I would attempt to bring the blog up to date. I sure hope that I won't fall into a once a month posting category. Time will tell, it's getting close to my bed-time.

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary the third week in September. All of us have made great progress. We are thinner, stronger and definitely more fit. I have enjoyed this journey and the fact that I have embarked upon this commitment with some great support, friends. I know that I couldn't have come this far without them. I am closer to my overall goal and my next stage of maintaining.
  • MaKenna and Connor continue to be a joy! Busy as ever and happiest when they are in the middle of their favorite activity. Lots more to share about both lovies... Fall season wrap up, school updates, MaKenna -isms, Connor and his friends "school" mom & dad on 'girls', Winter sports begin ... that'll be my motivation to come back and post another entry on the blog.
Stay tuned.


sjh said...

Glad all is peaceful. No guilt, girl. Posting should be fun, not a commitment. Hugs all around.
Aunt Sarah

Tracy said...

Hi Jess - Happy Thanksgiving!

Tracy said...

Hi Jess - Happy Thanksgiving!

We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.