Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some of this and Some of that!

It is amazing how quickly time goes by. It has been awhile since I have posted and it seems like too long. I enjoy blogging and sharing our happenings with those of you who read about them. This blog has allowed me to try and keep the family and friends who span the miles close to our hearts. So much has been going on... so I'll try to bring you up to speed!
  • Rick has been as busy as ever! He is coaching Connor's lacrosse team again this spring. He really enjoys the sport and working with the kids. Connor likes having Rick as a coach and I can only hope that they both continue to enjoy this time together and the fond memories that they are creating. Work for Rick has been going well also. He is such a hard worker and he likes the insurance business! Rick has joined me in the commitment to a more fit lifestyle. He is very close to his goal and feeling great about it!
  • Connor is loving the Spring weather, Lacrosse, 4th grade - the Intermediate school and all the activities that are happening there! Connor competed on the Page Tuners [reading competition] team and his team one the division and will compete in the regionals at the beginning of June. Connor also tried out for the Challenge 24 [math] team and made it. He will be competing with this team sometime in early June.Connor's teacher went out on maternity leave and welcomed a beautiful baby girl at the end of April. Connor and his classmates are adjusting to their long-term sub . We are looking forward to the 4th grade field trip to Niagara Falls. I will be chaperoning the trip. Lacrosse has taken the reigns as Connor's favorite sport[we'll see what happens when golf, football and skiing seasons roll around?]! !
  • MaKenna continues to light up our world! She can hardly wait to be officially 6 years old. She is star student this week so we spent some time today gathering up some photos. MaKenna made me feel like a super star myself as she wanted to bring in every single scrapbook that I have made her. She said" I just can't choose Mom, I LOVE them all!" MaKenna decided to play lacrosse this Spring. She has been "warming" up to it. She "really doesn't care for the mouth piece... because it makes it too hard to talk!" She is "so frustrated" with the goggles! They "never stay where they're suppose to stay"! She "cannot run or hustle when the coach tells them to because I need cleats!" Sneakers are just "too slippery"! The good news is that after MaKenna had her first goal she seemed to get along just well with her equipment! Our weeknights are spent on the grounds of the school's athletic fields and Saturdays are spent traveling to games. Can't think of many other things that I would rather be doing. It is awesome to witness your kids having fun!
  • An interesting factoid... my father emailed the following to me.
Bre has made the All Army female (6 members) triathlon team and Brooke has made the All Navy team. They will compete in California on May 27 with the top 6 of the 24 entrants qualifying for the World Championships in Europe. Both are very nervous since this is their first test in a big time competition. Neither expect to make the next stage but hope to use this race as a foundation for future races. Bre's lack of training due to injuries and other maladies will also hamper her. Husband and brother Jesse is fortunate that he will be at sea chasing the bad guys so his allegiance won't be visible !!

Bre is my youngest sister. Brooke is my sister-in-law, married to my youngest brother, Jesse. Now just imagine if my sister Sarah wasn't recovering from back surgery and had made the All Air Force triathlon team??? It never has really dawned on me, but out of my 4 siblings, 3 are active, dedicated members of our Country's armed forces in 3 different branches. I have a bil and a sil who also serve! Thank you to them all, for their service!

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We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.