Sunday, February 17, 2008

Connor... Go Blow Your Horn!

Connor's very first band concert was last week and he was excited to put all of his hard work to the test. Connor has been slow to warm up to the trumpet. Partly because he likes to be "good" at things and he was struggling at first. {mom's take on the whole thing is that he was comparing himself to the other trumpet players and felt he wasn't up to par???}
We decided that Connor would stick it out at least until the first band concert was under his belt.

I think it's safe to say that Connor will continue to play the trumpet for now. The kids played 3 songs and they did a great job. The only drawback was that because Connor plays trumpet he is seated several rows back and it was hard to see him. We saw him as the band came onto the stage and took their seats and when they stood at the end of the performance to take their bow.
Above is a brief video of the concert. It was my first time taking video footage on my camera... it didn't turn out too bad. Hope you don't get dizzy from the shaking :o)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Cami plays trumpet too! I know what you mean about not getting photos due to seating arrangement. I also try to get a few shots when she plays duets/trios, but she gets so nervous she hides her face completely behind the music stand everytime.

We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.