Monday, February 25, 2008

The benefits of being well organized...

Sprockets and gears
Originally uploaded by spiffytumbleweed
far out weigh the confusion and craziness of not. This was further confirmed in my mind and even in my family's mind today. If I do say so myself, our family worked like a set of well oiled, timed gears[hence the pic] today. Each of us was doing our part and we all came together to make it all work.
Today was my first day of work. As many of you who know me can imagine I was slightly tense with all the anticipation of what the day, week & months ahead will entail. I did my best to keep the tension to myself and under wraps as to not make the adjustment for the kids anymore difficult than it needed to be. My control measures kicked into full gear about mid day Sunday. The dreaded To-Do lists, reminders, run- thrus, etc. It was worth it. Working out before work was a great way to burn off some of the nervous energy that I had this am. The kids did great, very responsible and Rick and I were sure to praise them and let them know how much of a help they are! They left for school with heads held high and chests puffed out! :o)
Rick was my great calming force as usual!
My day went well, my colleagues were glad to meet me and very friendly.
Hopefully we will continue to make the change into this new phase of all our lives with as few glitches as possible.


Rob said...

I'm glad to hear your first day went well, I can't believe you even got a workout beforehand! It's like the old days at the Fitness Mill before school.

Donna said...

Good luck and best wishes on the new job. You will do fabulous, I know. Now, do you want to come over here and organize my house, kid, husband,

Hugs((())), Donna

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness! I somehow missed your previous blog entry about your new job (I just scrolled down when I realized I missed something).
You're gonna do great!

Lynn said...

you are my hero! I can't wait to hear all about your new job at the Spring Retreat! love you!

We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.