Sunday, March 16, 2008


Free Ear Piercing
Originally uploaded by • Sandra •
I'll try my best to recount this mornings account the best that I can. MaKenna came out to the kitchen to tell me that she had seen how to pierce ears on the Disney Channel.
"Mom, It doesn't even hurt if you do it the way they did on the Disney Channel! They don't even use a needle! Want me to show you how they said to do it?"
I decide to play along... "Sure, how did they say to do it?" I ask.
MaKenna goes on to say "well they said to have something sharp... but NOT a NEEDLE and a lemon" You pinch your ear lobe like this, squeeze some lemon juice on it, hold the lemon behind your ear and poke the sharp thing through it! Ta da, your ear is pierced and it won't even hurt!" MaKenna's eyes are twinkling with delight at this point. Being the mean Mom that I am, I break the news to her that when Mom and Dad say it's okay and that she's old enough to get her ears pierced we will probably not choose the "Disney Channel's" way of piercing ears and more than likely go to a store that pierces ears. MaKenna is not exactly thrilled with my response but she goes on her way back to her room.

Fast forward about 15 minutes, and MaKenna is in her room, listening to a Christian Rock station she has found on her radio and she closes her door (this should have been my first clue, but no, I just thought she was closing it because the music had gradually grown louder and I was having a hard time hearing myself think). A few moments later she comes out of her room to find me and says that she has "em, aah bumped her ear on the corner of something in her room???" and "can I look at it?" Well, I am on to her now, I notice that there is a mark on her ear lobe that suspiciously looks like she has tried to pierce her ear. I am biting my lip at this point, trying not to laugh and I question her about the corner in her room... " really MaKenna... what corner did you bump your ear on?... your dresser?, your night stand? MaKenna says "Mom, I just want to move past this!" I ask her if she was trying to pierce her ear like the Disney Channel? Oh, the look I got - so hard to put in words. She was totally exasperated with me. "No, Mom, *sigh* I'll show you!" Out she comes with a wet wipe and a bead bracelet. She held the wet wipe behind her ear lobe and was using the lever on the lobster claw clasp of her bracelet to try and pierce her ear. I told MaKenna that she should go explain to Dad - I just wanted him to see MaKenna in action.

She went to find Rick and was wimpering at this point. She had closed the door to the room in an attempt to keep me out. I knocked and went in to find MaKenna, her wet wipe,bracelet, and tears flowing...Rick is totally confused. I attempted to explain to Rick what was going on and MaKenna said, "Mom, I really want to move past that part and I just want my ear pierced WITHOUT a NEEDLE!" I cannot hold back the laughter and I loose my composure! Rick has now experienced his first "girly drama"! Lucky him.
It's somewhat scary that MaKenna conjured up this whole scheme... I mean come on, ear piercing - a how to lesson - on the Disney Channel? She knows that the Disney Channel is approved of in our home - so it's a "safe bet to assume that if the Disney Channel has ear piercing, and better yet, how to do-it-yourself than surely Rick and I will let her pierce her ears???" Really??!! Oh, the joys of parenting!


Donna said...

Ear that Alexa finally (her word) has her ears pierced we are so over the 'drama'! NOT!!! Have fun! She will not let up until her ears are pierced. Alexa was terrified that it was going to hurt but her yearning for all things stylish over-rode her fear. Luckily for her, it did not hurt when she had her's done. Good luck with Mackenna!

Lynn said...

I died laughing when I read this story; McKenna sounds like such a pistol; I wonder where she gets such behavior?!?! Anyways I showed Meghan the story and she thought her line of "I just want to get by this" was hysterical and she actually believes that the Disney channel would show earpiercing like McKenna described so who knows! Sounds like you have quite the independent little woman on yours and Ricks hands! I'll look forward to future tales as I'm sure there are PLENTY to come! ha!

Tracy said...

So funny! I guess I missed that informative clip on the D. channel, which seems to be on most of the time at the Whitney place. Have your little princess give me a call - I'll take her to the mall, where they can do both ears at once! By the time she can say, "OW," it's done.
But let me warn you... my lovely teen queen, in the past year, has come home with a pierced nose, secretly pierced belly button and a brand new birthday tatoo (which she doesn't even know that I KNOW ABOUT - small town, ya know).

Donna said...

You've been tagged! Check my blog for the details! Donna

Rob said...

That's hilarious. I'm trying to think of who would be more more likely to do something like that when we were little - probably Sarah.

We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.