Sunday, February 3, 2008

Big Wheels ROCK!!!

Big Wheels
Originally uploaded by jessbecause2008
Just saw the SuperBowl commercial that showed a Big Wheels race.
Oh the memories came flooding back! I LOVED my Big Wheels. I was a bit of a Tom Boy so mine was the 1970's version - Red, Blue seat & bucket & Brake, Yellow trim - not as fancy as the pic here.

I loved pedaling down our driveway or down the hill at the end of our street and pulling up on the brake as hard as I could, spinning out . I think that's where me "need for speed" first took hold. Nothing like the wind rushing in your face, pigtails flying back! Can you see me now? I probably had my most determined looking face on - such concentration, I'm sure!

I would ride my Big Wheels up and down our street and collect the acorns in the bucket behind my seat. Then we would have "wars" with eachother - riding around and trying to beam one another with our acorn amo. I lucked out because not all Big Wheels had buckets as I recall. I could store a lot of amo back there!

Another favorite Big Wheels past time was flipping the Big Wheels upside down and filling the holes [they were a design decoration] on the "rim" of the wheel with grass bunches. Then when they were all filled you would hold the pedals with your hands and spin the wheel as fast as you could. The grass would come flying out of the holes. So cool!

And to think that the kids today think that they have it made with their video games/systems??? They don't even know how great we had it with our conventional toys and best of all.... our Imaginations!!
Ride On!


Rob said...

Yeah Baby! I loved that thing so much I rode it until I was like 13! ;)

Tracy said...

Oh YEAH! I had a Big Whell. Fo SHO!

Mississippi Songbird said...

I remember mine! It was great!
Enjoyed your blog..

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