Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day!

Winter Storm...
Originally uploaded by ann j p
We had been hearing the news/weather reports that began Tuesday afternoon warning us to hunker down and tie down anything that may take flight in heavy winds. Temperatures were to drop drastically and the wind was to pick up to 60-65 mph. All this was to start after midnight. There was no talk amongst the kids of a possible "snow day" - the good ole' superstition of wearing your pj's inside out, backwards, 1 sock on, 1 sock off with a spoon under your pillow did not play out last night before bed. Thank Goodness for this as it is a production of sorts. The wind did pick up and awoke me twice that I can remember. Alarms went off and we went about our morning routines. Connor and Rick went out to wait for the bus and when it hadn't arrived by 7am we began to get a little curious. Turned on the TV to see the School Closings scroll at the bottom of the screen. And there is was LIVONIA Central .... Closed! Oh, the excitement and joy that Connor felt. I can remember whenI was a child how that felt... a lottery win feeling! Jackpot!!!
So the Snow Day begins... the energy level is high, cabin fever sets in early. No chance to send the restless ones outside because I am sure that when one of the wind gust blows through the kids will be swept clear down to the Lake! Forts begin to be made, tempers flare, tears are shed, wrestling insues and I am ready to scream.. "Calgon[not even sure if they make this stuff anymore] Take Me Away!"
I decide to retreat to my treadmill - 35 mins. of exercise should give me some peace!? No, the arguments follow me to the workout area in our basement. My solution, make MaKenna ride the bike until I say switch and make Connor do pull-ups on the total gym until I say switch! Wasn't long before they were winded and the only thing I heard were all of our pants and the hum of the exercise equipment. I was telling Rick about it and I have officially named this Mom's Snow Day Survival Tip - Exercise Boot Camp!
Looking forward to tomorrow and hopefully NO SNOW DAY!


Marcia said...

Sweetheart, I love reading your blog. Brings back so many wonderful memories, when you were growing up. Keep them coming. Love, Mom

Tracy said...

that wind was something, wasn't it?!

Donna said...

Same here. Norm went to work and was the only one there! The maintenace guy had to tell him to go home! The school kept losing power so it was a given anyway. He rolled back home as Alexa was getting ready and we all watched the names scroll past until finally Williamsville came and CLOSED! Alexa was a happy camper. Even the store had no power so I didn't have to go to work either. Today is much better. No wind, sun out but they say look out, another storm is rolling in this weekend!

Lynn said...

dan drives danny to school every morning and when they got to the parking lot and it was empty they realized school had closed. Poor Danny got up for nothing....but today it seems worse here with the ice!
Plus Danny came home early with a bad stomach ache so he's home AGAIN (especially after the past two weeks of him being home when he didn't have mid-terms and MLK day AND teacher conference day) Movies on Demand is getting a work out!

We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.