Monday, November 17, 2008

General Happenings

As I have been bitten by the guilt bug for slacking when it comes to posting on the blog, I thought I would attempt to bring the blog up to date. I sure hope that I won't fall into a once a month posting category. Time will tell, it's getting close to my bed-time.

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary the third week in September. All of us have made great progress. We are thinner, stronger and definitely more fit. I have enjoyed this journey and the fact that I have embarked upon this commitment with some great support, friends. I know that I couldn't have come this far without them. I am closer to my overall goal and my next stage of maintaining.
  • MaKenna and Connor continue to be a joy! Busy as ever and happiest when they are in the middle of their favorite activity. Lots more to share about both lovies... Fall season wrap up, school updates, MaKenna -isms, Connor and his friends "school" mom & dad on 'girls', Winter sports begin ... that'll be my motivation to come back and post another entry on the blog.
Stay tuned.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Time to Re-Group, Re-Focus...

Okay, not sure where to begin...

I'll start with the fact that I consider myself organized. Organization has always come easy to me. I think it was my way of keeping things in check, a control factor [imagine that?!] If I was organized then I could plan more, better, etc. I was also recognized, early on, in a positive way for my organizational skills.
Maybe that's why I am having a hard time with the fact that no matter how many lists I create these days, I can't seem to stay on top of them.

I have lists for work, for home, for myself, for Rick, Connor and MaKenna's
schedules/activities. I have to do lists, must do lists, be here, go there lists, work out/ fitness lists, grocery lists, gift shopping lists, send card lists, birthday, anniversary , celebration, thank you lists, update blog lists, send pictures lists, volunteer lists, need to touch base with, need to visit lists, need to let this person know how important they are to me lists, need to show my appreciation lists.

My children are more and more self-sufficient and yet it seems like there is no more time to get the lists done! Maybe it's because the more self-sufficient they get the more activities, and to-do items creep onto their lists? Which loosely translates to my list.

Maybe I have reached my own maximum capacity for the whole more, better plan thing. Maybe I just cannot cram another thing into the time constraints that I have? Maybe that's it... maybe it's not an organizational thing but a time thing?! I am envisioning a thermometer on a hot day... remember the cartoon images? all of a sudden the mercury explodes! Well, I think that I have exceeded my "temp." time capacity!

Seriously though, how many of you have thought about your days from start to finish each day? Am I alone in this struggle? I take the deep breathes and try to polish off the "S" [or is it a "W" - yeah right] on my chest and accept the fact that I am a person who will always struggle with the concept of "did I do or accomplish enough today?!" It's a tough balance between making the most of the days you have and being a busy bee!

Another realization... no wonder I "crash and burn" a.k.a. get run down sometimes!
Top of my next list... Do what you can and accept the fact that you cannot control time!
Time for bed... because along with my value of organization I value sleep almost as much!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 8, 2008

September 4th

School Days... and a new year begins!

Hey Cheerleader!

Many of you have asked... her she is, in her glory! Don't know that I get the cheer leading thing, but, I was the tom-boy kinda gal! My thing was matchbox cars, football cards, Lincoln logs, Lego's and a baby alive doll. Rick and I have told the kids that they can try activities so when Mb said she wanted to Cheer, I swallowed hard and said that we would look into it. Then the flyer came home with the school papers and the PLeeeaaase Mom, started. The rest, as they say is history.
So, like anything else, we have been committed to "practicing" cheer leading for the LJB Flag Football and Cheerleading.
A W E... S O M E awesome, awesome...totally!
"Mix 'em up, Spin 'em around, Come on Livonia, Mow 'em down!"
Who has joined in at this point? As Auntie Sarah reminded me, the NHHS Varsity Swim Team would do our "cheer" ritual before our home meets... "Hefty, Hefty, Hefty" "Wimpy, Wimpy Wimpy!"

What do Croquet, Brownies, Fishing, Treasure Hunting and White Water Rafting

have in common?
Family, Memories and a great family vacation.

With all three sets of Connor and MaKenna's Grandparents living on Lakes in NYS we try to arrange family visits in the summer. Add Connor and MaKenna's football and cheer schedules into the mix; not to mention the fact that I am the "newbie" at work when it comes to vacation time and that makes for some quick, jammed packed family visits.

This year's the trip to Henderson was special in that it was the first time that all my siblings [on my father's side] and their spouses were together in a long time [since Brooke & Jesse's wedding]. We had a great time. We went white water rafting on the Black River in Watertown, NY. For me, I don't know what made me laugh more... Sarah's nervous energy before we even boarded the rafts or her "oh s_ _ _!" comments through out the ride!

The Wilkins participated for the first time in the Greystone Cup - a semi -serious amateur Croquet tournament. It was an adult only [Connor got a bi and was Grandpa's partner] tournament... truthfully I think that Rick would have been better off with MaKenna as his partner. I did improve when I went to the one handed method [one hand holding a cocktail and one hand holding the mallet -form counts for something... doesn't it?!]

Connor and MaKenna were very busy... lots of people around to indulge their energy and imaginations! Brownie making, cooking classes, wave splashing, swimming, scavenger hunting, fishing, Wii playing, treasure maps and treasure, bonfires with pie irons and smores! Plenty of hugs and kisses to hold close to our hearts and cherish until the next time when we are together.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Time Well Spent

Originally uploaded by didixx28
A little background before I start this post. Because I am the so to speak "low man on the totem pole" in the "vacation time" requests in my office, we have had to jockey our typical summer plans this year.
The kids have been so anxious about making their annual trek to Cedar Lake for a visit with Mimi and Gampie. We headed out Friday when I got out of work. We arrived in enough time for Connor, Rick and Gampie to hit the lynx and try out their very best Tiger impressions. Meanwhile MaKenna, Mom and I took to trying our best at a "make-shift" nail salon. Mimi is quite the manicurist! I think that every shade of nail polish that Mimi owns ended up on either MaKenna's finger or toe nails.
Saturday morning and Mom and I headed out for a walk around the block, while Rick and the kids headed to the beach. It was a great day at the beach. Plenty of sun, sand creations galore - even a full sand body cast for Connor [possible pis to follow] and enough swimming to make me check and see if my children had grown gills!
Saturday evening and Gampie took the kids back out on the golf course. MaKenna's goal was to be able to be included with her brother [you never know what you may miss out on, ya know!]. Also, to get her Gampie to go "really fast" in the golf cart! Connor has been frustrated with his golf game [if he only knew, that's more than half the battle with this game]. His buddies have been shooting better rounds in their weekly Jr. golf league. Connor is convinced that is because of size and the fact that he is shorter than the rest of his buddies. We have been trying to tell him differently, but to no avail. Gampie to the rescue! I had told Connor that he should ask Gampie for some pointers as Gampie coached golf for many years. Well, it worked. When the crew returned they were smiling from ear to ear. Ready for this one....???
Connor had a birdie [one under par for those of you who are not golfers] from the jr.'s tee on hole #16. He drove it just before the green and chipped it up and in the hole> MaKenna said that Gampie yelled so loud that it blew her ear out! Connor has carried that ball around with him ever since. Wow! Lots of memories came flooding back to me. Hole #16 is where my Dad [an avid golfer and who passed away in 1992] had his only hole in one. There is a sports award plaque that used to hang in the TV room of our old house that had a picture of my Dad, Grandpa and brother that was taken on the day that he made the hole-in-one. Rick and I had some of our wedding pics taken on that green as well.
MaKenna swam and swam some more. She has decided that she will take the infamous raft swim test next summer so that she can swim out to the raft and play dibble dabble [i'll explain in a later post].
It was fun to be back to my old summer hang out! Lots of memories to share... sometime soon. For now, it was a treat to witness our children enjoying the place and some of the things that hold a very special place in my heart!

Remember When?

back to some toys...
Originally uploaded by dogboneart
I was browsing through some photos and came across this one. It made me smile. We had this toy when I was young. My favorite part was the car elevator. If my memory is correct, when you cranked it to the top the bell would ding and the elevator floor would lift and cause the car to roll out and onto the track. My favorite "people character" was the dog.
Fisher Price has always made some cool toys! This piece was pretty "advanced" for the 1970's.
I look at the FP toys that Connor and MaKenna have had and they are awesome. MaKenna will still play Little People. She loves it when we have a rainy day and we haul the tote of FP Little People gear up to the living room and set up the town. I am even allowed to play along. If I had to pick my favorite set in the current collection I would chose the zoo set. It's fun to use your imagination... even if you're just a kid at heart!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

As the end of the school year approaches...

some reflections.
It's hard to believe that just 9 short months ago, we watched as our son boarded the bus at 7am and headed off to a new school building to start a new chapter in his scholastic career. That same morning we joined MaKenna on her very first bus ride to school. It has been a great year for all of us and the kids have accomplished so many things this year.

Connor has really enjoyed the new building and daily format. He has made the most out of the multitude of activities, clubs and organizations that are offered for these grade levels. He participated and was elected as his class's Student Government association, joined the Paw Print - school paper, band, tried out and made the Page Turner's team, Challenge 24 team and of course Intramurals. Connor really enjoyed his class and his teacher this year. He recognized that he has been "really lucky" to have had "awesome teachers, every year!" He was a little saddened when his teacher was not able to finish out the school year, as she went out at the end of April to have a baby girl! [now that Connor has met this adorable cutie-pie, it was all okay that his teacher didn't finish the year with them!] On Friday, Rick and I were invited to an awards ceremony at Connor's school by his principal. Connor was going to be presented with the Citizenship Award. Connor did not know that he had been chosen for this award and we were asked to keep this as a surprise for him. I avoided the barrage of questions the morning of... boy, does e keep tabs on me!!! Why are you going into work late? what appointment? where do you have to be? for how long???????
Anyway, he was completely surprised and stoked to have won this award! The expression on his face will be etched in my mind forever! Yes, the tears welled up in my eyes! Such a wonderful moment for Connor - a great affirmation for him!
He noticed that we were sitting behind the rows of students shortly before the ceremony started, the good news was that he thought we were there because Rick is on the school board. [I love it when a plan comes together]

MaKenna has had an exceptional year! She developed her own love for school and academia. We have learned that she likes to do, experience things at her own pace. Once she has decided to commit, "she's all in!" otherwise, "forget about it!" Thankfully she had a teacher that understands this about MaKenna and was able to bring out the best in MaKenna! We are grateful for teachers like her, who see the potential in each child and work hard to build on those qualities! Hard to believe that my "baby girl" is officially growing up! Her school career had begun! MaKenna has learned so much this year... all the in & outs of the daily routine, lunch room, play-time, specials and yes, even at this age, friendships! We will attend MaKenna's special "Graduation" ceremony next week and will take some pics to post. We are looking forward to this fun rite of passage!

Then it's Summer Break... yee haa! Connor and MaKenna are looking forward to, and in no particular order...Pools, Lakes, Bikes, Golf, Rec, Bonfires, Camping, Staying up late, Sleeping in, the Drive-in, Fishing, Rec, Fireworks... just carefree time!

Rick and I are looking forward to the above and a slightly more relaxed schedule [maybe wishful thinking on our part :o)], no school calendars, snacks, packing lunches, arguing about what clothes/shoes are appropriate for PE class, bed time, rushing here there and everywhere, permission slips, projects!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mimi and Me

While Connor and I were off exploring Niagara Falls and it's attractions at the end of May [see post below], MaKenna had a very special day herself. It is an annual tradition that MaKenna's teachers do every year towards the end of the school year. They host a Grandparent's Tea! Mimi made the trip out to our house and met Rick to travel to the school. MaKenna had an extra special treat because her teachers indulged her by making sure that MaKenna was able to have a guest reader; the event that was missed when she was sick during her Star Student week. The timing was perfect and when Mimi arrived in MaKenna's classroom, she became the Guest Reader!
Then it was off to the Tea. This is a picture that MaKenna's teacher took of them! I love this pic, just love the pride that shows on MaKenna's face. It was a nice day for MaKenna because she didn't have to share her Mimi with her, brother, Mom or Dad! I think that it is awesome that MaKenna's teachers recognize just how important Grandparents and extended family is to our children.

1 of the 7 Wonders of the World

At the end of May, I had the pleasure of joining Connor and his 4th grade classmates on a field trip to Niagara Falls. It was a great day, a nice chance to enjoy an experience with Connor and create some memories together. The day started with a visit to Fort Niagara. I had never been there and it was a neat place to tour. I think it's a safe bet to say that the boys loved the "war /battle" element of this portion of the trip. The gift shop had a large selection of muskets, rifles, etc.

Next, we were onto the Aquarium... and I use that term loosely! I have been to a few aquariums in my life so far, so maybe I am spoiled?! We walked into the building and were instantly overcome by the pungent fish smell. You know the kind of smell that feels as though you will have to scrub it off your body, hair and teeth! SERIOUSLY - gross! And you can imagine the comments from the parents! The animals looked as though they were in "rescue" stage of their lives than the "display" stage. Penguins had the mange, some of the fish were missing eyes and had large growths protruding from their bodies. The highlight was the sea lion show and the kids loved it.

Another 4th grade teacher took 2 of Connor's buddies, their Mom's, Connor and I on a "secret" mission. We left the aquarium and took a hike along the trail by the river. There was a small path that branched off the trail and took us right to the edge of the bank of the river. The water was very calm, and beautiful shades and blue and green. I was a nervous wreck because I didn't think that Connor realized just how much of a drop off it was and that there was no railing, fence, etc. I did not get a picture, which I regret because it was so peaceful and beautiful. The boys felt very special to have this opportunity.

We boarded the buses again and headed to the Falls! We did the Maid of the Mist tour. I think that I was as excited as the kids... this is something I have always wanted to do. We donned our blue ponchos and took wagers on just how wet we thought that we would get. Carefully observing all those who were disembarking the boats prior to us. I'm not sure if
this next senario would have played out the same way if I was with MaKenna and her girlfriends. You can probably guess where the boys all wanted to be on the boat!? Yep, right up front on the lower level. They had surveyed as many of the Mist's employees to see where the best spot was to stand. The information that they gathered was "spot on"! As you can see, we got wet! The boys thought that it was "cool" that their Mom's ventured to the front with them [little did they know that we wouldn't have had it any other way... unsupervised, at the front of a boat that goes into the Falls????]It was so much fun and absolutely amazing!
What a great day! I will cherish this time spent together for a long time!

Friday, May 23, 2008

6 Wonderful Years...

Our MaKenna turned 6 years old today! Happy Birthday Kenna girl!
It amazes me just how fast the time goes by. Maybe it's because we're in the middle of it? Maybe it's because there is so much to think about? Maybe it's because "time flies when you're having fun!"?
In MaKenna's words, she had "the most awesomest birthday EVER!" This was a great day and a nice way to end a kind of crummy week for MaKenna. She has been sick all week. Battling ear infections, a cough that wouldn't quit and a nasty cold. That was bad enough but, when she had to stay home and miss school [especially since MaKenna was Star Student this week] that was the worst! MaKenna missed the day when she could have a Guest Reader come into the class and the day that she could bring in her birthday snack! Let's just say that the tears flowed and flowed and Rick and I were the most unfair parents ever! Not to fear though, MaKenna's teachers to the rescue... they promised to celebrate when MaKenna returns to school! sigh...big sigh!
The kids were off from school today. Rick and I had to work but the kids had a great day. We started bright and early before I left for work and MaKenna opened some gifts. Then off to some friends house for fun and cupcakes for a mid-morning snack [Ms. Sharon ROCKS!]Back to our house with friends in tow... more fun. For her Birthday Dinner Menu, MaKenna chose Goulash [Italian style], tossed salad with chi chi beans and fresh fruit salad! For dessert, no cake here just Twisters, please!
Six years ago today, I was in my hospital bed, getting acquainted to my beautiful, blessed baby girl and falling head over heals in love with her! Today, six years later I feel even more blessed and in love with MaKenna then I did on that day! MaKenna is my Lovey Girl!
We love you and wish you a Happy Birthday!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some of this and Some of that!

It is amazing how quickly time goes by. It has been awhile since I have posted and it seems like too long. I enjoy blogging and sharing our happenings with those of you who read about them. This blog has allowed me to try and keep the family and friends who span the miles close to our hearts. So much has been going on... so I'll try to bring you up to speed!
  • Rick has been as busy as ever! He is coaching Connor's lacrosse team again this spring. He really enjoys the sport and working with the kids. Connor likes having Rick as a coach and I can only hope that they both continue to enjoy this time together and the fond memories that they are creating. Work for Rick has been going well also. He is such a hard worker and he likes the insurance business! Rick has joined me in the commitment to a more fit lifestyle. He is very close to his goal and feeling great about it!
  • Connor is loving the Spring weather, Lacrosse, 4th grade - the Intermediate school and all the activities that are happening there! Connor competed on the Page Tuners [reading competition] team and his team one the division and will compete in the regionals at the beginning of June. Connor also tried out for the Challenge 24 [math] team and made it. He will be competing with this team sometime in early June.Connor's teacher went out on maternity leave and welcomed a beautiful baby girl at the end of April. Connor and his classmates are adjusting to their long-term sub . We are looking forward to the 4th grade field trip to Niagara Falls. I will be chaperoning the trip. Lacrosse has taken the reigns as Connor's favorite sport[we'll see what happens when golf, football and skiing seasons roll around?]! !
  • MaKenna continues to light up our world! She can hardly wait to be officially 6 years old. She is star student this week so we spent some time today gathering up some photos. MaKenna made me feel like a super star myself as she wanted to bring in every single scrapbook that I have made her. She said" I just can't choose Mom, I LOVE them all!" MaKenna decided to play lacrosse this Spring. She has been "warming" up to it. She "really doesn't care for the mouth piece... because it makes it too hard to talk!" She is "so frustrated" with the goggles! They "never stay where they're suppose to stay"! She "cannot run or hustle when the coach tells them to because I need cleats!" Sneakers are just "too slippery"! The good news is that after MaKenna had her first goal she seemed to get along just well with her equipment! Our weeknights are spent on the grounds of the school's athletic fields and Saturdays are spent traveling to games. Can't think of many other things that I would rather be doing. It is awesome to witness your kids having fun!
  • An interesting factoid... my father emailed the following to me.
Bre has made the All Army female (6 members) triathlon team and Brooke has made the All Navy team. They will compete in California on May 27 with the top 6 of the 24 entrants qualifying for the World Championships in Europe. Both are very nervous since this is their first test in a big time competition. Neither expect to make the next stage but hope to use this race as a foundation for future races. Bre's lack of training due to injuries and other maladies will also hamper her. Husband and brother Jesse is fortunate that he will be at sea chasing the bad guys so his allegiance won't be visible !!

Bre is my youngest sister. Brooke is my sister-in-law, married to my youngest brother, Jesse. Now just imagine if my sister Sarah wasn't recovering from back surgery and had made the All Air Force triathlon team??? It never has really dawned on me, but out of my 4 siblings, 3 are active, dedicated members of our Country's armed forces in 3 different branches. I have a bil and a sil who also serve! Thank you to them all, for their service!

Rock the VOTE....Rick the Vote

Rick, Rick, he's our man!
Tuesday is our school district's vote. Budget and school boards member's fate to be determined.
Rick is running for a seat on the board. We have had lots of conversation about this opportunity. It all started when I mentioned to Rick that I was thinking of running for the board myself. Rick was supportive and we hashed out the pros and cons. As time passed and the it was announced that there were openings on the board, I had started my new job. Rick and I felt that with both kids being students in the district it was time for one of us to volunteer and run for the board. We decided that with my schedule it would be best for Rick to run.

It has been somewhat of a cathartic process. It has brought back some fond memories of when my Dad ran for school board. I can remember our family helping with the "campaigning"! We stood outside... a specific distance away from the entrance of the school, and handed out fliers, asking people to vote for our Dad! I believe that I learned about civic duties, volunteering and being part of working towards the greater good from my parents! They have all set examples of this throughout my life! I only hope that Rick and I can do the same for Connor and MaKenna.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Random thoughts, updates and more...

Just thought I'd take the opportunity to ramble to anyone who's willing to read.

So it's been 6 months since I started on my fitness journey[check some of my first posts on this blog or the links on the right of this blog to my fitness blog...working it out] and the motivation started to seep away a few weeks ago. I came down with a nasty cold and it wiped me out. I kept up with my normal routine until I realized that I wasn't getting any better and decided to cut back. Well, the cold got better but my drive was depleted. Not a good thing for me. I have accomplished a lot so far. I am proud of every pound that I have lost [24# to date], every muscle I have built - getting some definition back, every sweat that I've broke, every puke [yes, I said puke and yes, I've done it more than once] and every last rep that I have eeeked out! But, like I said in the beginning, I have accepted the fact that this is more than reaching a certain weight or fitness level, I have decided that this needs to be a way of life for me. And, while I know that if I am truly going to make this a way of life I need to accept that I am going to have the ups and downs that are just part of every person's lives. Let's just say that's easier said than done for me!
I work out with 3 great women and a hard-ass trainer. She is not a yeller like Jillian on the Biggest Loser but she will push you to your breaking point and still want more! Can you see the determination on my face yet??? You all know how I love a challenge! Enough said! We do a great job of pushing one another and motivation is another plus.
After this week's workouts I think my "drive" is back! On Tuesday, our trainer came in at 5:45am, big smile and announced that we were going to do 30 Man Makers [if you really want to know what these are, check out the Cross Fit Link to the right and search Man Makers] for time. We all looked at her and waited with eager eyes and baited breath for her to say "April Fool"...
no such luck! OMG! It was a hard workout! And never fail, Bethany did not disappoint us today. 100 jumping jacks, 50 sit-ups [straight legs & touch your fingers to your toes], 50 supine hip extensions using a physio ball. 5 rounds for time. My abs will be burning, burning, burning [Sarah & Rob relate there]! And if that wasn't enough, I went for my 3 mile loop walk when I got home from work. It was a gorgeous day and it felt good to be outside. I think that I'd better have my mojo back after those work outs!

Connor is helping out with the Varsity Lacrosse team's home games. He went tonight for the first game. Before he left for the game he asked me if I had a black sharpie marker. He wanted it so that he could ask "the guys for their autographs". It was so cute! It reminded me just how impressionable he still is and how excited he must of felt to be able to go "hang" with the "Varsity Lacrosse Players"! I remember when I was young and my father coached college wrestling. I loved to tag along to the practices and matches. I felt so cool when the athletes would acknowledge my existence. I also remember going to home college basketball games with my family. The players knew our family and would sometimes stop and chat with us. It was awesome to "look up" to them. It's nice to have heroes!

Thanks for reading!

Skiing anyone?

I've created a couple of media clowns! The kids love seeing their pictures on the blog and better yet, when I blog about them. Connor has been wanting me to post some of the skiing pics and videos that I took over this past skiing season.
Our last ski outing was for Connor's birthday celebration. A few of Connor's buddies joined us for a day of skiing, pizza and cake. They had a great time.

MaKenna had taken her s
kies off but wanted me to get a picture of her anyway. My friend, Sharon has some awesome video of all of us skiing, Connor skiing backwards and over jumps... some "air" shots.I may attempt to post so that the kids can feel like SupaStars!

If only...

we lived south of the Mason Dixon line?! My little southern bell would fit right in. This Spring head piece that I made reminds me of the big, flowery, fancy hats that the southern ladies wear. Maybe this is a geographic, stereotypical image that I have somewhere in my memory but that's what this headpiece reminds me of. MaKenna's class was celebrating Spring and asked the parents to create a hat for the celebration. I originally tried to put the flowers onto a hat, but it would have caused some serious damage to Makenna's scalp. Alas, a headband and I was ready to create. It is quite the dramatic piece fro my "little princess". MaKenna LOVES it and thought that I was the "Greatest Mom, ever"! I love a win win scenario! Happy Spring!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Close up green Easter
Originally uploaded by moline
A family day, just the four of us and it has been a nice day together. We have enjoyed one another's company. Wishing all of you a wonderful Easter and family celebration.

I love this photo. When I saw it, all these thoughts flooded my mind. The drawing on the calendar page reminds me of the Peter Rabbit Tales books and the illustrations on those pages. My Nana was an author, librarian and an avid reader. As a child, one of the many things that she indulged me with was lots of wonderful books. Nana started my Peter Rabbit Book collection and added the character figurines over the years. I even had a cup and plate with the Peter Rabbit sketches on them. MaKenna has inherited some of these items and they bring a warmth and a smile to my heart when I walk in her room and see them there. I remember when Connor was 6 years old, the students at Geneseo High School were preforming the Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit Tales for their annual school play. I took Connor to the show and truth be told I'm not sure who got more enjoyment out of it... him or myself. I know that Nana would have loved to be there with us.

I also love this picture because of the egg cups. When I was growing up we had egg cups. They were shaped like ducks and were very cute. My Mom would make us soft boiled eggs [another Nana memory, because I remember that my Nana always had her eggs done as soft boiled eggs]. It felt so fancy to have our soft boiled eggs served in these cute egg cups.

I'll try to post some pictures of the kid's Easter events soon!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I've been Tagged...

Okay,for Donna's sake I'll play along. I am suppose to list seven random things about myself. Then I'll tag 7 more people. Be a sport and play along, who knows, you may learn something neat about someone?!
  1. I have a "need for speed" and in my younger, less responsible days had 11 points on my driver's license. This "milestone" prompted Governor Cuomo to send me a letter telling me what a danger I was to my fellow NY'ers.
  2. I competed in the Nationals for my Division III college swim team and placed 6th in the Nation in the 200 meter butterfly and 10th in the Nation in the 400 meter IM. I swam the 200 meter butterfly leg of the 800meter medley relay team that finished 7th at nationals.
  3. I had my belly button pierced until I was 7 months pregnant with Connor... then it became very apparent that it wasn't so hip or stylish anymore!
  4. I want to learn to play piano and write a book before I die.
  5. I'm just now starting to accept the person that I am and embracing myself and realizing that I am okay, even with my faults.
  6. I wish that I could see my Dad [who passed away in 1992] again, even if it was for an hour. So much has happened in my life that he has not been a part of [directly]. Would love to see his smile, have a hug and share his wisdom.
  7. I had my nose broken during an Intramural Broom Ball game in college.
  8. My Senior year in college, while on Spring Break I got a tattoo.
So, I'll tag Mom, Rob, Bethany, Mer, Deirdre, Melis, Lynne

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Free Ear Piercing
Originally uploaded by • Sandra •
I'll try my best to recount this mornings account the best that I can. MaKenna came out to the kitchen to tell me that she had seen how to pierce ears on the Disney Channel.
"Mom, It doesn't even hurt if you do it the way they did on the Disney Channel! They don't even use a needle! Want me to show you how they said to do it?"
I decide to play along... "Sure, how did they say to do it?" I ask.
MaKenna goes on to say "well they said to have something sharp... but NOT a NEEDLE and a lemon" You pinch your ear lobe like this, squeeze some lemon juice on it, hold the lemon behind your ear and poke the sharp thing through it! Ta da, your ear is pierced and it won't even hurt!" MaKenna's eyes are twinkling with delight at this point. Being the mean Mom that I am, I break the news to her that when Mom and Dad say it's okay and that she's old enough to get her ears pierced we will probably not choose the "Disney Channel's" way of piercing ears and more than likely go to a store that pierces ears. MaKenna is not exactly thrilled with my response but she goes on her way back to her room.

Fast forward about 15 minutes, and MaKenna is in her room, listening to a Christian Rock station she has found on her radio and she closes her door (this should have been my first clue, but no, I just thought she was closing it because the music had gradually grown louder and I was having a hard time hearing myself think). A few moments later she comes out of her room to find me and says that she has "em, aah bumped her ear on the corner of something in her room???" and "can I look at it?" Well, I am on to her now, I notice that there is a mark on her ear lobe that suspiciously looks like she has tried to pierce her ear. I am biting my lip at this point, trying not to laugh and I question her about the corner in her room... " really MaKenna... what corner did you bump your ear on?... your dresser?, your night stand? MaKenna says "Mom, I just want to move past this!" I ask her if she was trying to pierce her ear like the Disney Channel? Oh, the look I got - so hard to put in words. She was totally exasperated with me. "No, Mom, *sigh* I'll show you!" Out she comes with a wet wipe and a bead bracelet. She held the wet wipe behind her ear lobe and was using the lever on the lobster claw clasp of her bracelet to try and pierce her ear. I told MaKenna that she should go explain to Dad - I just wanted him to see MaKenna in action.

She went to find Rick and was wimpering at this point. She had closed the door to the room in an attempt to keep me out. I knocked and went in to find MaKenna, her wet wipe,bracelet, and tears flowing...Rick is totally confused. I attempted to explain to Rick what was going on and MaKenna said, "Mom, I really want to move past that part and I just want my ear pierced WITHOUT a NEEDLE!" I cannot hold back the laughter and I loose my composure! Rick has now experienced his first "girly drama"! Lucky him.
It's somewhat scary that MaKenna conjured up this whole scheme... I mean come on, ear piercing - a how to lesson - on the Disney Channel? She knows that the Disney Channel is approved of in our home - so it's a "safe bet to assume that if the Disney Channel has ear piercing, and better yet, how to do-it-yourself than surely Rick and I will let her pierce her ears???" Really??!! Oh, the joys of parenting!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

How Much can You Cram into a Weekend?

Perhaps this is a dangerous question?
It's Sunday night and things are semi slowing down here. I am waiting for Connor to finish reading and updating his log/ planner so that I can sign off on it. Waiting for the load of laundry in the dryer to be finished so that I can fold it and honestly waiting to wave the white flag and surrender for the night! I am whipped!

Friday, my first week of work completed at my new job. I am no longer the new girl, had my first "ice-breaker" moment when I realized that I had a huge hole in the seam of my pants. My turquoise undies were there for the viewing. I immediately explained to my office mates that although I was the "new" girl I hoped that they would tell me if they saw my undergarments hanging out! We all had a great laugh and I proceeded to see how "crafty" I could be with a stapler and packaging tape. No wonder I loved McGiver when I was younger! After work I raced home to pick Rick and MaKenna up so that we could make it to Connor's indoor lacrosse game, north of Rochester. After that I cleaned my Office Building, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed home.

Saturday, we picked up Connor's buddies and headed down to Swain for his Birthday Skiing Party. It was the best skiing conditions that we have had and they had a great time. Connor wanted pizza from Maude's ['famous" pizza in Swain country] and a cake. We headed home, some more tired than others, some with rosier cheeks than others. Dinner was made, kids were showered and tucked, laundry was going [notice I did not say done, because WHEN? I ask, when? is it ever done?] and the birthday set up began. Balloons and decorations were hung and the gifts were put out. The kids love waking up in the morning and seeing the decorations and gifts that are waiting for them.

Rise and Shine Sunday morning to a very excited Birthday Boy! Connor turned 10 years old today! Hard to believe that I have been a Mom for 10 years! Connor was thrilled to get a Wii for his birthday [birthday pics and footage to follow]! We played and played some more. Got in a workout, more laundry and ironing then off to shop with the gift cards that Connor was eager to put to use. Birthday dinner and dessert, more Wii playing! Sunday night prep for the week ahead!

Well, I crammed in enough... I think?! Not much more room to cram in more - truth be told!
The buzzer for the dryer just went off, so on that note I'll close!

Monday, February 25, 2008

The benefits of being well organized...

Sprockets and gears
Originally uploaded by spiffytumbleweed
far out weigh the confusion and craziness of not. This was further confirmed in my mind and even in my family's mind today. If I do say so myself, our family worked like a set of well oiled, timed gears[hence the pic] today. Each of us was doing our part and we all came together to make it all work.
Today was my first day of work. As many of you who know me can imagine I was slightly tense with all the anticipation of what the day, week & months ahead will entail. I did my best to keep the tension to myself and under wraps as to not make the adjustment for the kids anymore difficult than it needed to be. My control measures kicked into full gear about mid day Sunday. The dreaded To-Do lists, reminders, run- thrus, etc. It was worth it. Working out before work was a great way to burn off some of the nervous energy that I had this am. The kids did great, very responsible and Rick and I were sure to praise them and let them know how much of a help they are! They left for school with heads held high and chests puffed out! :o)
Rick was my great calming force as usual!
My day went well, my colleagues were glad to meet me and very friendly.
Hopefully we will continue to make the change into this new phase of all our lives with as few glitches as possible.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Welcome Home Sarah!

Just a quick note to let you all know that Sarah, my sister, is safely home from Iraq! I have been walking around with perma-grin and am so thankful that our prayers were answered. I have spoke with her and she sounds good and happy to be home with her hubby and dogs!

Thanks to all of you for your love and support!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Connor... Go Blow Your Horn!

Connor's very first band concert was last week and he was excited to put all of his hard work to the test. Connor has been slow to warm up to the trumpet. Partly because he likes to be "good" at things and he was struggling at first. {mom's take on the whole thing is that he was comparing himself to the other trumpet players and felt he wasn't up to par???}
We decided that Connor would stick it out at least until the first band concert was under his belt.

I think it's safe to say that Connor will continue to play the trumpet for now. The kids played 3 songs and they did a great job. The only drawback was that because Connor plays trumpet he is seated several rows back and it was hard to see him. We saw him as the band came onto the stage and took their seats and when they stood at the end of the performance to take their bow.
Above is a brief video of the concert. It was my first time taking video footage on my camera... it didn't turn out too bad. Hope you don't get dizzy from the shaking :o)

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Love Hate Relationship...

That's probably the best way for me to describe my feelings about To Do Lists.

I love the fact that when I start to make the list it is a sense of relief to put it to paper. The items are "safe & secure",not to be lost in the busy compartments of my brain. The list always starts out very optimistic. Lots of items that range from the normal routine, daily chores to the "I've been wanting to get this done". The list also provides some sanity. Once I have created the list I don't have to continually say to myself "don't forget, oh, I have to remember..." over and over again.

I hate the fact that creating the To Do List is an another vehicle to contribute to my "driven" trait. It's also a form of control I suppose. And because it is written it is another way for me to measure whether a task has been completed or not a.k.a. success vs. failure. My lists tend to have lots of items with unrealistic time lines.

So with all of the above being said I am not willing to give up my To Do Lists quite yet! I'll take the bad with the good [isn't that how most relationships work anyways? Compermise!!!] I'll just try to be fair in creating my lists and maybe I won't cause unnecessary stress on myself. I have been busy creating my "mental" to do lists because of my return to the outside the home work force. I'll probably put it to paper soon as to not continue the Mind Olympics that is taking place right now.
    1. Post a Blog Entry - done
    2. Glue Drawers - done
    3. Organize Mud Room Closet - done
    4. Laundry/ Ironing - is ever done?
  • I won't bore you with anymore.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Big Wheels ROCK!!!

Big Wheels
Originally uploaded by jessbecause2008
Just saw the SuperBowl commercial that showed a Big Wheels race.
Oh the memories came flooding back! I LOVED my Big Wheels. I was a bit of a Tom Boy so mine was the 1970's version - Red, Blue seat & bucket & Brake, Yellow trim - not as fancy as the pic here.

I loved pedaling down our driveway or down the hill at the end of our street and pulling up on the brake as hard as I could, spinning out . I think that's where me "need for speed" first took hold. Nothing like the wind rushing in your face, pigtails flying back! Can you see me now? I probably had my most determined looking face on - such concentration, I'm sure!

I would ride my Big Wheels up and down our street and collect the acorns in the bucket behind my seat. Then we would have "wars" with eachother - riding around and trying to beam one another with our acorn amo. I lucked out because not all Big Wheels had buckets as I recall. I could store a lot of amo back there!

Another favorite Big Wheels past time was flipping the Big Wheels upside down and filling the holes [they were a design decoration] on the "rim" of the wheel with grass bunches. Then when they were all filled you would hold the pedals with your hands and spin the wheel as fast as you could. The grass would come flying out of the holes. So cool!

And to think that the kids today think that they have it made with their video games/systems??? They don't even know how great we had it with our conventional toys and best of all.... our Imaginations!!
Ride On!

I'll be Wearing a New Hat...

On Friday, February 1st, I was offered a job with Livingston County's Office of the Aging. I will be the Senior Nutrition Program Director. I accepted and will start February 25th.

I had seen the posting for the position in the newspaper back in mid December and was surprised to see it. I hadn't recalled every seeing a posting for a position like or similiar to this ever in Livingston or Monroe Counties. Another bonus was that they weren't requiring any certification in dietetics [a cert. that I am lacking]. So I talked the possibility of me submitting my resume/application over with Rick. You know me, analyze and analyze some more - what if this? what if that? Thank God, I am married to a patient man who can look past these sometimes annoying traits of mine. He actually sees the benefits in me being so obsessive - says that way we are usually prepared and organized! Like I said, Thank God!

So back to the job posting, it seemed as though it fit my qualifications perfectly. Almost too good to be true. I decided to give it a try with the philosophy of "you won't know if you don't try"! I interviewed for another "contracted position" that the County was interested in me for a few weeks ago and then for the posted position this past Monday.

The position looks to be very interesting and challenging. The Office of the Aging has an amazing reputation and the Director of the OOA is very respected from what I have heard. She will be who I report to. I will be responsible for all the Nutritional aspects/ offerings of the Office of the Aging.

I am excited to be back in my field of study and with reasonable working hours. It will be an adjustment for the family to have me working outside the home again and hopefully that will all go well, most days!
Feeling both excited and slightly nervous too!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day!

Winter Storm...
Originally uploaded by ann j p
We had been hearing the news/weather reports that began Tuesday afternoon warning us to hunker down and tie down anything that may take flight in heavy winds. Temperatures were to drop drastically and the wind was to pick up to 60-65 mph. All this was to start after midnight. There was no talk amongst the kids of a possible "snow day" - the good ole' superstition of wearing your pj's inside out, backwards, 1 sock on, 1 sock off with a spoon under your pillow did not play out last night before bed. Thank Goodness for this as it is a production of sorts. The wind did pick up and awoke me twice that I can remember. Alarms went off and we went about our morning routines. Connor and Rick went out to wait for the bus and when it hadn't arrived by 7am we began to get a little curious. Turned on the TV to see the School Closings scroll at the bottom of the screen. And there is was LIVONIA Central .... Closed! Oh, the excitement and joy that Connor felt. I can remember whenI was a child how that felt... a lottery win feeling! Jackpot!!!
So the Snow Day begins... the energy level is high, cabin fever sets in early. No chance to send the restless ones outside because I am sure that when one of the wind gust blows through the kids will be swept clear down to the Lake! Forts begin to be made, tempers flare, tears are shed, wrestling insues and I am ready to scream.. "Calgon[not even sure if they make this stuff anymore] Take Me Away!"
I decide to retreat to my treadmill - 35 mins. of exercise should give me some peace!? No, the arguments follow me to the workout area in our basement. My solution, make MaKenna ride the bike until I say switch and make Connor do pull-ups on the total gym until I say switch! Wasn't long before they were winded and the only thing I heard were all of our pants and the hum of the exercise equipment. I was telling Rick about it and I have officially named this Mom's Snow Day Survival Tip - Exercise Boot Camp!
Looking forward to tomorrow and hopefully NO SNOW DAY!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


"I know I probably should
have outgrown this by now, but somehow I'm always surprised when someone - or
something - lets me down. If you are constitutionally optimistic, as I
apparently am, you expect a certain something [call it quality functionality]
from the things and the people that surround you, which in itself is not such a
bad trait. But what accompanies sunny optimism all too often is the surprising
disappointment that comes when something - or someone fails you. You think
to yourself, Well, I should have seen that one coming. But you never
learn, and then it happens again.
The upside is that you start to develop The List.
That is, the list of people and things that don't ever disappoint. There is
something comforting about the old-faithfuls on the List; they bring their own
kind of order to a messy world."

I read this article of sorts in a magazine not to long ago and it has resonated with me. I can identify with so many of the statements above and dare say that I have spoken similar words before. I like the fact that the author or the above entry takes the positive spin on her trait rather than finding fault with herself. Truly an optimist, I suppose!

This made me wonder about my List. I'll share some of the List with you and please note that they are random, none more important than the other.

Seltzer Water - just enough carbonation, refreshing and thirst quenching & ZERO calories.

A Nap - if you get the chance to enjoy one, you're never disappointed in how refreshed you feel after one.

Baby Shampoo & Lotion - smells so clean and takes you back.

A Morning Cup of Coffee - so warm in your hands, comforting and a great way to start the day.

Exercise - say goodbye to stress, toxins and some calories all at once!

Swimming - my standby, head down in the water, quiet, alone in your thoughts, all while the water rushes and swirls around & over your body.

Blistex - love the stuff!

my Faith - this has grown on me - through trial and tribulation.

I'll stop now because the List goes on! Hope that I have left you will something to ponder.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Update on My Sister Sarah...

Air Force Medallion
Originally uploaded by rjseg1
Many of you have been asking about my sister Sarah and her deployment to Iraq. First, thank you for all your support and kind words, I think that I can speak for her and our family when we say that that your heartfelt support and inquiries are appreciated... more than you know.
Sarah sent an email saying that she is in the process of re-locating. She will be without email for about a week. Please continue to keep her in your prayers, especially during this transition. Her mailing address is the same for now.
Sarah also said how much all of your emails and packages mean to her. Her days are long and tough and your correspondances are a bright spot in her day.
As some of you [Rob's Blog readers, etc.] may know already and for those who do not, Congratulations are in order for Sarah as she was promoted to Senior Staff Sergeant - E8. This is a huge accomplishment! We are so proud of her and all of her hard work!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Working It Out...

Back to my 2008 Goals List. As some of you may know, In September 2007, a group of 3 of my girl friends and myself decided to make a change in our lives. We came to realization that we needed to make a commitment to ourselves to lead more fit lives. We had all verbalized many times how "unhappy" we were with our bodies, fitness level, etc. and decided that "enough was enough!" One of the ladies suggested that our group hire a personal trainer. We did it and have been working out and training with her every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6am. It has been an amazing experience [all aches, pains, sweat and puke aside]. There is a certain level of accountability, responsibility, motivation and competition that this group provides that has been like no other that I have experienced. Our trainer is certified in a method of training that is called Cross Fit [check out the link to the right] and it is a great workout! I have been able to workout a total of 5-6 days per week with the exception of when we were at Disney. I have noticed physical changes - losing weight and toning but even greater are the over all attitude changes. I feel so much better about myself and the most committed I have been to this being a lifestyle change! Oh, I get frustrated that the weight doesn't come off faster but I didn't put the weight on overnight either!
So why share something so personal, well because it's another form of accountability. While I realize that true friendships and family-ships [a jessicaism] are not based on surface deep junk I know that those relationships can help keep me motivated and on track! Also, I hope that I can inspire those of you who may be doubting yourselves. Heck, if I can do these workouts, run [yes, run] and the Woman's Health Fitness Challenge test [hence the pic above] you can achieve your goals. Another 2008 goal was to maintain my commitment to a healthier, more fit way of life and so far so good!
If you get a chance you can check out the link to our Fitness Group's Blog that I started, it's called Working It Out - to the right. Also, check out the Woman's Health January Issue for the Fitness Test. I did it and will post results soon.
Good Luck with your goals! If you need a cheerleader let me know! I'd love to encourage you!

Monday, January 21, 2008

A lesson in learning...

I like the motto of trying to learn something new everyday. Rick and I try to pass this along to the kids in some form or another. As it turns out, that motto works both ways. On most days our kids teach us something new!
MaKenna has be sick, she came down with a stomach, fever bug and has really been under the weather. Just lying on the couch and in her bed for most of the day. It is so unlike her. She has been very weepy and wanting me to just sit at the end of the couch or at the foot of her bed. I think she just wants me close. Poor thing! This morning MaKenna started to panic, thinking that she had missed school. Our conversation went like this...
"Mom, is today a school day? I said, "yes, it's Monday but you don't have school today
because it's a holiday" "What holiday is it Mom?" "It's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day", I said.
"What do we do for MLK, Jr. day?" she asked. I said " well, we could talk about who
MLK, Jr. was and what he did". I went on to explain that MLK, Jr. fought for the Black people so that they could have the same civil rights that White people had. Civil rights such as being able to drink from the same water fountains, ride the same buses, go to the same schools, vote, etc. as White people. MaKenna then asked me "Mom, are we White people?" I said "yes, we are." She said "you mean tan, right?!" I said "no, we are considered white people." At this point MaKenna now says "so MLK, Jr. tried to change Black people into white/tan people?" I said, "no, he tried to give the Black people the same chances as White people." MaKenna pulled up her shirt sleeve and said [rather perturbed with me, I might add] "why do you keep saying White people? We are tan, this skin is not white!"
I tried to teach MaKenna something about Martin Luther King, Jr. this morning but I think that she ended up teaching me something. That lesson was that MaKenna didn't even really notice that skin color was a defining factor until I pointed it out to her. She didn't define a group of people by a physical characteristic... and I like that! I love the innocence of children and I love to see how their minds work. In so many ways it is refreshing and puts a bright spot on my heart!

Friday, January 18, 2008

TGIF...We're ready for the long weekend!

"Thank Goodness it's Friday" was Connor's greeting to me this morning! His remark summarizes the family's general attitude about the upcoming long weekend! Connor's new favorite day of the week is Friday because he has his Indoor Lacrosse League games. Their team is 1-1 and they play the topped ranked team tonight. To say that Connor is pumped is beyond accurate. Rick caught him with his Lax stick in one hand and brushing his teeth with the other this morning. When Rick questioned him, Connor said "Dad, I am so psyched for tonight's game...that's all I can think about, and I'm just practicing my cradling with my weaker hand!" I reminded him, gently that he needed to "get his head in the academic game" [High School Musical relate...anyone?]first as he has a spelling test, etc. today! Moms are sooo boring!
It looks as though we will be able to get some skiing in this weekend. Rick and Connor went last night with the school and said the conditions were fair. It's been cold today so I assume their making snow too! Should be fun to see friends and spend the day outside in the fresh air. MaKenna is ready to test out the slopes and more importantly [to her anyway] is to "finally get to wear my awesome ski boots" [oh,they are white and they have flowers{pink, of course} on them].We'll have to see about Sunday as it is suppose to be frigid here. May end up being a day for baking some cookies for a certain Aunt who is deployed and a lonely Uncle as well. We may wrap up the long weekend with a Mom & Kids ski day on Monday!
It amazes me how busy our lives can be. Albeit that we tend to do this to ourselves it is nice when the schedule allows for some fun activities that we all can do together.
Hope that you all have a great weekend too!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"They Say It's your Birthday"....

I have to say that my perspective about my birthday has changed. When this change occurred I am not sure but I think it happened sometime after becoming a parent. As a child having a birthday that fell two weeks after Christmas didn't phase me at all. It was kinda handy in the materialistic sense that I could have another opportunity to ask for something that I didn't receive at Christmas. Now as a parent I feel like I am still winding down from the Christmas Holiday when my birthday comes around. It's like it almost sneaks up on me. I find myself down playing the pomp & circumstance. By the way, I am totally okay with this! But, remember that I have a 9 & 5 year old and they LOVE celebrations! They were so excited about my birthday that it was comical! MaKenna's teacher said that there wasn't a day that went by for the entire week before my birthday that she did not tell her and her classmates! So adorable!
I don't have any hang ups about turning a certain age. My parents have never been age obsessed people and have led very active lives. So my example has been that age is only a number. I prefer to look at each birthday as another chance to improve who I am and make a difference in this world and in the lives of the people who matter to me.
So my birthday started with a wake up phone call from my sister Sarah who was calling all the way from Baghdad, Iraq! I was so over come with relief and joy to hear her voice! Hard to explain how it feels to hear her and know that she is "okay"! It was the best birthday gift I could have ever gotten. The beautiful birthday flowers pictured above were sent to me from Sarah and Jason. They have brightened up our home! You can't help but to smile when you look at them.
Next, Rick, the kids and the dogs and I went down to Hemlock Lake and hiked/walked the East side of the lake. It was not skiing conditions so we settled for the walk. It was great! We took the kids to see the Bee Movie - very cute. We ended the night with a nice dinner. It was a wonderful day that was relaxing and quality family time.

Rewind a few weeks ago...

I decided that I had better post an entry that would include this family photo of us because it is rare to get one these days. The picture was taken at our friends home on Christmas Eve. They decided to host a family get - together for those of us who did not have family coming for the holidays. So after Christmas Eve Mass we joined two other families for a very nice evening. It was a great way to relax and enjoy the spirit of the season.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Connor came home from school today and said that Ski Club was on for Tomorrow night [Thursday]. The weather here has been unseasonably warm and we weren't sure if the school would actually go down to ski at Swain or not. He seemed excited about going. We were wondering how he would feel about going this week after last weeks events.
Last Thursday Rick met Connor down at Swain for Ski Club and MaKenna and I stayed home. It was bitter cold and MaKenna had been fighting some type of bug. Towards the end of the evening while Connor and 2 of his buddies were riding up on the chair lift they had a scare. One of Connor's buddies who was sitting in the middle never quite got on the chair and did not say anything at the time so the lift continued to move up the mountain. As soon as the boys skies lifted off the ground he asked Connor and the other boy to help him get on. Connor and the other boy grabbed onto him and tried to pull him up onto the seat. Meanwhile Rick was boarding the chair lift behind them with 2 other friends of Connor's and noticed that the boys legs were hanging lower than they should. Rick yelled to Connor to hold onto him, then yelled back to the lift operator but didn't have any luck. Connor started to slip so he let go with one of his hands to grab the chair railing. The boys hands slipped and he fell over 18' to the ground. Thankfully he was okay. Rick said it was awful to see that happen and he felt very helpless. Connor told me that it was "the worst feeling to feel his buddies hand slip out of his grip and hear him scream the whole way down"! Poor kids and Rick!
I think they'll all be glad to have the opportunity to get an "uneventful" night of Ski Club behind them tomorrow night!
MaKenna and I will stay home tomorrow night too because the conditions aren't the best. We'll save our lift tickets for more ideal conditions. Hoping that we can all go skiing this Saturday for my birthday! Jess

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm having a Flashback!

Some of you are for sure going to get a laugh or two out of this post.

You see, just a few moments ago MaKenna decided to treat Rick, Connor and myself to a "performance". We were all hanging out in the living room and in walked MaKenna and announced [not in her "indoor voice" either, I might add] that she wanted to show us something! I was told to stay seated, Rick was to pllleease stop using the computer and Connor "come on, I NEED to to pay attention to me!" On she went with her instructions and her pre-show routine. [Flashback starts... I remember something vaguely familiar from my childhood]MaKenna shared some of the songs & animated gestures that go along with the songs that she learned in music class today. There was the Spotted Penguin from Boca Raton and the Sleeping Bear song. We were told to "hold our applause until the VERY end" by MaKenna. [more flashbacks]The next part of the performance was the audience participation portion. I was hauled out of my seat and dragged over to stand in front of the couch, Connor "because he loves his Nerf b-ball hoop from Uncle Jesse and Aunt Brooke", had to stand under the hoop and Dad could just stay still and watch. I was told to sing "exactly" what MaKenna sang and when we sang about shooting one through the hoop Connor was to shoot and make a score. I was quickly lectured because I fell behind in the singing as I did not know what MaKenna was going to sing about next. [The flashbacks are getting really intense at this point] Next MaKenna launched into a full blown rendition of "You are the Music in Me" from HSM 2 [High School Musical 2].

I tried to capture MaKenna at her best but was having a hard time focusing because I was laughing so hard.

For those of you who grew up with me you are probably experiencing the Flashbacks now also.

For those of you who came into my life later down the road, I am sure you will relate as my "organizational" skills started somewhere. When I was a young gal, I too, like MaKenna liked to have performances. Oh, they ranged from gymnastics in the living room, to flying rope routines on the back yard rope swing, to belting out Andy Gibb songs and 8675...309999 at the top of my lungs. I, of course, co-hearsed my brothers and sisters, neighbor kids alike to participate. I have to say that IMO my greatest production was the Rope Circus that was held in our backyard. Sarah, Rob, the Alesia kids, Sarah's friend Tracy were the performers, I was the announcer [big surprise?]. We had music and had set up chairs for the audience. We invited our parents to watch, etc.

When MaKenna was directing us around tonight it was pay back!

Tata for now! Jess

We wanted to share what was going on in our lives.